Some of our most popular apps:
Kaplan SAT® Quiz U, our collaboration with Kaplan Test Prep. Complete with quizzes, video tutorials, and discussion. Also available on Android.
Arcadia Prep GRE, the top ranked GRE app in iTunes. 4.5 * average rating!
Simply Brilliant Prep app, breaking down Data Sufficiency into manageable strategies for GMAT test takers, using video clips, exercise problems, and step-by-step explanations.
App Screenshots

Features on Tablet
In the tablet version, students have ample workspace to work out complex problems. Pen Tools include black / red pens, highlighter, eraser, etc.
The Tutor button allows teacher to use the built-in Pen & Voice Recorder to create video tutorials in minutes.

On Smart Phones
Students can do Q&A on the discussion forum with peers and teachers.
Teachers can monitor performance of students individually or as a group. Payment processing is supported via the App Stores or a dedicated micro-site (PayPal integrated).
Embedded game mechanics allow students to accumulate points and earn rewards.
Common Core Aligned Items
The following technology enabled items were designed by Pacific Metrics Corporation for delivery on Arcadia Apps. They appear here courtesy of Pacific Metrics. If you are interested in licensing the items or the TEI Editor for creating the items, please contact Pacific Metrics.

Orbital System
In this technology-enabled item (TEI) type, the student is being asked to create a solar eclipse by dragging and dropping the moon and earth around their orbital paths. This is one of the most complex items recommended by one of the consortia.

Drop Down Menu
In another TEI type, the student is asked to select the right combination of answers from drop down menus.

Bar Chart Item Type
In this item type, the students is asked to chart their answers by pulling and placing the bars in the right locations within the chart.