Arcadia Apps and West Ed are partnering to propose a co-presentation at the 2014 SXSW (South by Southwest) conference. Please help us by voting to select our proposal, excerpted below. To vote for this presentation, click the thumb up in the following web pageĀ (you will be prompted to sign up with SXSW, click Sign In in the upper right).
Innovation from small businesses is essential in the rapidly evolving education landscape. However, innovative ideas are useful only to the extent that they are supported by rigorous research in education. Arcadia Apps, a small business that has developed a robust assessment platform for mobile and web delivery that incorporates interactive, collaborative, and social features, and WestEd, a nonprofit research organization with extensive experience implementing assessment and instructional solutions for state and federal education agencies, have partnered to develop interactive literacy courseware for middle school students. This partnership builds on the strengths of each organization to deliver an innovative solution for schools that is grounded in current scientific research. Implications of small business/nonprofit research organization partnership for product development, federal and foundation funding, distribution, and intellectual property will be discussed.